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  • Jayne Green (B.Ed;M.Ed)

Choices, Consequences, and the Quest for Happiness: The Need for Practical Thinking

In the intricate dance of life, every step we take, every choice we make, leaves an indelible mark on the canvas of our journey. Choices, big or small, come with consequences that shape the melody of our lives, adding either harmonious notes of happiness or discordant tones of regret.

The wisdom to make the right choices doesn't come inherently; it's learned over time. Yet, learning from our mistakes earlier rather than later can act as a guiding light, illuminating the path to a happier life, free from avoidable pitfalls.

Every decision you're about to make, pause. Reflect on the potential outcomes before diving headfirst into it.

Consider the allure of forbidden relationships – a scenario I've seen play out all too frequently in my counselling sessions. The thrill of a clandestine affair, especially when things aren't going well in one's current relationship, can be intoxicating. However, beneath the surface, there's often heartbreak, pain, and a litany of broken promises.

The heartbreaking tale of a woman who waited seven agonizing years for a man, clinging to the hope he'd leave his wife, is a sobering reminder. The years of anguish, loneliness, and depression she experienced are consequences of a choice made on impulse, rather than rational thought.

The Battle of Impulse vs. Practical Thinking Emotions, powerful and overwhelming, often cloud judgment. It's easy to get lost in a whirlwind of insecurities, self-doubt, and a dire need for validation. When these emotions are in the driver's seat, practical thinking takes a backseat, leading us down paths we might later regret.

Say you're feeling neglected in your relationship, and suddenly, your best friend's partner showers you with attention. It's tempting, isn't it? But before diving in, pause. Reflect. Ask questions that dig deep into the heart of the matter:

  1. What's the emotional toll on your best friend?

  2. Are those promises of a future together genuine?

  3. How would you feel if they chose to stay with their current partner?

  4. Are you morally aligned with this decision?

  5. Is this attraction a mere reflection of issues in your own relationship?

  6. Would seeking guidance, either individually or as a couple, be more beneficial?

Answering these questions and critically evaluating the situation can prevent needless heartache and lead to more informed, thoughtful decisions.

The Ripple Effect of Choices Every choice we make doesn't affect just us; its ripple effects touch everyone around us, especially our loved ones. Our decisions, be it about relationships, career, or even daily life, have consequences that can either build or break our happiness and that of others.

In conclusion, life is a series of choices and consequences. By prioritizing practical thinking over emotional impulse, we can navigate its complexities with wisdom and grace. It's never about eliminating emotions but learning to balance them with reason, ensuring a life filled with joy and minimal regrets.

Jayne Green (B.Ed; M.Ed)


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