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  • Jayne Green (B.Ed;M.Ed)

Our Brain, Memories, and Mastery over Negative Emotions

The human brain, a marvel of nature, stands as the most intricate organ in our bodies. Governed by billions of neurons, it commands our thoughts, emotions, reactions, and actions. The brain's complex architecture not only shapes our personalities but also influences our responses to the world around us.

Memory and Emotion: The Inextricable Link

A particular segment of the brain, the neocortex, acts as the custodian of our memories. However, these memories are not mere stagnant files; they come alive with emotion, all thanks to another brain region: the Amygdala. The intertwining of memories and emotions means that our senses - sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing - can act as gateways, summoning these memories in vivid, emotional flashbacks.

Harnessing Control over Recollections While memories serve as precious reminders of our past, some might hold the power to destabilize our present. Recognizing and understanding the origins of such memories is the first step in managing them effectively. If a memory stirs negative emotions within you, it's essential to:

  1. Acknowledge: Recognize the trigger and the resulting memory.

  2. Rationalize: Whenever such memories emerge, visualize a bold red "STOP" sign. This mental image serves as an immediate interruption, signaling your brain to halt the chain of thoughts.

  3. Refocus: Instead of getting entangled in the web of negativity, guide your thinking to the present moment. This mental re-centering can shield you from unnecessary emotional distress.

Practical Steps for Cognitive Reframing Let's consider an example. A particular song might remind you of a painful past event. Instead of letting the music engulf you in sadness or anger, employ the following steps:

  • Rationalize: Visualize the STOP sign.

  • Refuse Participation: Make a conscious choice not to dwell on the memory, grounding yourself firmly in the present.

  • Distract: Engage in an activity that uplifts your spirit. It could be as simple as taking a walk, chatting with a friend, or indulging in a hobby.

Seeking Professional Support For memories deeply embedded with traumatic experiences, seeking professional counseling is highly recommended. A skilled counselor can help navigate these memories, assisting in processing and healing from past wounds.

Body Awareness It's equally crucial to remain attuned to physical cues. Negative thoughts often manifest in the body as tension, clenched jaws, furrowed brows, or other signs of distress. Recognizing these signs and practicing relaxation techniques can be incredibly beneficial.

In Conclusion: Mastering control over memories and emotions isn't an overnight achievement. It's a skill, honed with consistent practice. As you embark on this journey of cognitive re-framing, remember to be patient with yourself. With time, resilience, and perhaps a bit of professional guidance, you can redefine your relationship with your past, ensuring it enriches, rather than inhibits, your present.

Jayne Green (B.Ed; M.Ed)

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